Key Integrations for Scheduling Residents


Resident scheduling software plays a crucial role in managing the complex scheduling needs of medical residencies. Integrating this software with other clinical and IT systems can significantly enhance its capabilities. Here are a few key integrations to consider:

New Innovations

Lightning Bolt Scheduling integrates with New Innovations’ block scheduling and duty hours modules. With these, program administrators can easily track and manage resident blocks to ensure all prerequisites are met before graduation and can track resident duty hours by displaying each shift worked throughout the day in the New Innovations daily calendar. These integrations automatically schedule required blocks to guarantee compliance and simplify duty hour management.


With the MyEvaluations integration, program directors can easily assign evaluations based on rotation and training levels for each resident. Curriculum notifications with integrated objectives, procedures, and patient log requirements streamline the learning process. Other tools like rotation compliance, clinic hour management, data exporting, and more become seamless tasks with this integration.

Other Key Clinical Integrations

Lightning Bolt goes further by supporting integrations with many other clinical systems. These include clinical communication platforms, call center software, EHR systems, payroll solutions, patient scheduling tools, and more. These customizable integrations ensure that the resident schedule remains synchronized with other systems and up to date across the organization.

Want to learn more about how automated resident scheduling software and advanced integrations can enhance your daily workflows, improve care team coordination, and increase overall team efficiency? Download our Residency Scheduling Guide today!

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