New Innovations Duty Hours Integration

PerfectServe’s integration with New Innovations leverages Lightning Bolt’s scheduling data to populate duty hours for residents within New Innovations. This integration allows schedule data for mapped assignments in Lightning Bolt to populate directly into the Duty Hours module, streamlining access to accurate shift information to promote more efficient operations.
Practical Benefits
Reduction of Duplicate Work: Eliminates the need to manually update duty hours schedules in both systems, saving time and reducing administrative burden.
Enhanced Workflow Efficiency: Allows providers and operators to quickly find working providers within New Innovations, improving operational efficiency.
Reduction of Human Error: Automated data transfer minimizes the risk of errors associated with manual updates, ensuring accurate scheduling information.
Additional Notes
Data Management: The first file that is sent to New Innovations will contain all published schedule records. From that point, each new daily file will contain only the records for the mapped assignments that have changed from the previous file generation.
Integration Protocols
1. File-Based Integration: This integration uses a file-based method where a .csv file is generated and transferred to an SFTP location on a recurring basis (typically once per day) for automatic import into New Innovations.
2. Personnel Mapping: Requires a unique ID for each provider in Lightning Bolt, which must match the corresponding provider account in New Innovations. This ID can be added to the ‘UniqueID’ or ‘Custom1 4’ fields in Lightning Bolt.
3. Assignment Mapping: Involves setting various fields for each Lightning Bolt assignment:
- NI Duty Hour Name: Optional field to match a Lightning Bolt assignment with the Duty Hour Name in New Innovations.
- NI Assignment Name: Optional field to match a Lightning Bolt assignment with the Assignment Name in New Innovations.
- Notes: Optional free text that can be added to each slot when passing from Lightning Bolt to New Innovations.
- Location: Optional field that allows assignments to be tied to specific locations in New Innovations.
4. Automated Data Transfer: When a provider is scheduled on a mapped assignment, the data is included in the .csv file and transferred via SFTP for import into New Innovations.
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